Do you have a cirugia de adelgazamiento planned on your calendar next? If so, it's important to prepare yourself mentally for the challenge ahead. This is a major decision, and it's important to be as ready as possible before going through with it. In this blog post, we will discuss the mental preparation needed for bariatric surgery. We will talk about the steps you need to take to get yourself in the right frame of mind, and how to stay positive throughout the process! These tips can help you through this journey!
If you are looking for a good clinic to get bariatric surgery from, then look no further than Dr Feiz as their qualified and skilled team of doctors can get the job done without complications.
With that said, let's begin!
How to Mentally Prepare for Weight Loss Surgery:
There is a lot of mental preparation that comes when you decide to go to a weight loss clinic. A surgery, no matter how small it may be, is still a surgery and hence carries some risk. We want you to be at your mental best when going in! Here are a few tips for you:
Understanding Food Addiction:
This is a big one. Many people think that obesity stems from weakness of character or lack of willpower to stop eating, but this is not true! Most obese patients have an addiction to food and are unable to control themselves around it. This is because they use food as a way to cope with emotions like sadness, anger and stress which makes them crave even more when they feel those things again later on down the line.
The key here is acceptance - knowing what you're dealing with and being able to accept it can help you overcome these urges by finding new ways for coping instead such as exercise or meditation!
Understand The Risks:
The second step is to understand and accept the risks associated with weight loss surgery. Some of the most common ones are infection, blood clots and leakage from the surgical site. These may seem scary, but remember that with any surgery there is always a risk! By knowing what they are and understanding that they can happen, you are less likely to panic. It is also important to know that the chance of these complications happening is extremely low and a good team of doctors can only help you.
Read More: If you are looking for a more physical approach to preparing for the surgery, we recommend you to check out the following article. How Do You Prepare For Weight Loss Surgery?
Talk To Others Who Have Had Surgery:
It's also helpful to talk to people who have already had weight loss surgery. This way you can get an idea about what to expect both during and after the surgery. They can tell you about their own experiences and how it has affected their lives in a positive way. Hearing stories from others who have gone through the same thing can help you feel more confident about going into it yourself!
Seek Help For Depression:
Depression is a common side effect of obesity. It can cause feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness and sadness that make it difficult to lose weight or keep the pounds off once they are lost. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness, it's a sign of bravery. It shows that you were brave enough to show vulnerability and admit that you needed help. So, don't be ashamed to seek help for your depression.
Don't Do It Alone:
Know that you don't have to go through this alone! There are many people who can help you both before and after surgery. This includes your friends and family, as well as the staff at your weight loss clinic. Lean on them for support when you need it and they are more than happy to help! Having someone on your side and to talk to is healthy for your mind. It also helps you prepare for the surgery better.
Have Realistic Expectations:
Don't expect miracles. There is no magic pill that can make your weight melt away overnight. You must understand that this surgery is a lifestyle change, not just an easy way out of being overweight or obese! It takes time and dedication to achieve the results you want from it. Be patient with yourself and always remember: slow progress is still progress!
As you can see, there are a lot of tips you can make use of to mentally prepare yourself for cirugia de adelgazamiento. Our only recommendation now is to get it from a reliable and trustworthy clinic like Dr Feiz so you have peace of mind about the journey. If you made it to the end of this article, we believe you are more than ready to take this chapter on in life!
For further information, please visit the FAQs section below.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How long will I have to be on a liquid diet before surgery?
Generally, you start a liquid diet about a week before surgery. This allows your body to detoxify and prepare for the surgery.
What type of anesthesia will be used?
The type of anesthesia used is determined by your surgeon. You go under general or epidural depending on the procedure you are having done and your own personal health history.
How long do I have to stay off work after surgery?
You have to stay off work for 3 to 5 weeks. After that, you can go back to your normal routine.