
At Dr. Feiz and Associates, we're proud to be the home of Michael Feiz, M.D., F.A.C.S., possibly the finest practitioner of bariatric weight loss surgery in the U.S. At our Beverly Hills-based practice, the incomparable Dr. Feiz has pioneered improved weight loss surgeries and has performed countless successful gastric sleeves and other weight loss procedures. That's why Dr. Feiz is often called upon by those with questions regarding Lap Band vs. sleeve gastrectomy, as well as various revision surgeries for those who have undergone treatment with less than satisfying results.

While the sustainable, rapid and safe weight loss brought about by bariatric surgery can be life-changing, in some cases, weight loss surgery is not as successful as a patient hoped for, or can even lead to unexpected complications. That's why many people will seek out Dr. Feiz to correct the results of a lesser surgeon through Lap Band to sleeve gastrectomy and other revision surgeries.

Through Lap Band revision surgery, Dr. Feiz will first remove the Lap Band that was placed in a previous surgery, and then proceed to perform a sleeve gastrectomy. Unlike Lap Band treatment, a gastric sleeve surgery is permanent, and for some patients, it can be the ideal option for effective, safe weight loss. As an active member of the American Society for Bariatric Surgeons and the American College of Surgeons, Dr. Feiz is often the ideal option for those looking to correct the work of a lesser surgeon, so don't hesitate to get in touch with the unparalleled weight loss expert.

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