
The past cannot be changed, but the future is something we can change. This is more than just an obvious statement of fact, it’s something any one of us who wants to improve their life needs to fully comprehend and act on. Michael Feiz, M.D., F.A.C.S. has helped countless severely obese individuals rewrite their futures through his use of the latest weight loss procedures.

Dr. Feiz believes in ensuring that his patients have a full understanding of the procedures that are available. In this regard, the most frequent topic is understanding the plus and minuses of the two most frequently obtained procedures: i.e., Lap Band vs. sleeve gastrectomy. The two procedures both offer patients a viable pathway to a happier and healthier life, but there are important differences.

Specifically, while the band contracts the available area of the stomach and is reversible, the sleeve procedure permanently removes approximately 75 to 85 percent of the stomach. Importantly, this includes an area responsible for the production of a hormone called ghrelin, which may be responsible for the feelings of hunger that make significant and permanent weight loss so difficult.

Even patients who have received an operation from another doctor and are not seeing the kind of results they need can have a second chance. Dr. Feiz and Associates have performed numerous successful band to sleeve procedures. These procedures consistently have patients, many of whom had previously all but given up hope on their potential for a new and healthier life, achieving the weight loss results they have been striving for.

If you are interested in a Lap Band revision surgery or an initial weight loss procedure of any type, Dr. Feiz and his medical team would be delighted to hear from you and to invite to a free informational seminar.

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