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diciembre 2, 2021

Explaining Gastric Bypass - an Effective Weight Loss Surgery

pérdida de peso

The number of overweight and obese people is increasing every year, and this issue is a threat to both human health and life. A cirugia de adelgazamiento could surely do the trick for people who find it challenging to get rid of extra fat. One of the most effective ones is gastric bypass. 

During this procedure, the surgeon works primarily on the stomach and small intestine of the patient to alter the digestive system. Those changes, with an effective diet plan, help the person lose weight quickly.

Many doctors and clinics perform these surgeries on patients, and Dr. Feiz is one of the best because of their expertise and skills. This article, however, will discuss everything you need to know about gastric bypass surgery. 

Who is Eligible for Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Almost anyone who is obese and wants to lose weight is a potential candidate for cirugía de bypass gástrico. A person's body mass index (BMI) is one of the most important factors that doctors consider before deciding if the surgery is safe for the patient or not. 

You're eligible if you have a BMI of more than 40 or weigh more than 100 pounds. You can also qualify for potentially the best weight loss surgery if your BMI is between 35 and 40 and you have an obesity-related disease like high blood pressure or Type 2 diabetes.

Different Types of this Effective Weight Loss Surgery 

There are three different forms of gastric bypass surgeries that you need to know about: Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy, Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass, and Mini-gastric Bypass Surgery.

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass is the most common type of gastric bypass surgery. During this procedure, the surgeon creates a small pouch in the stomach and connects it to a section of the small intestine. This is done by making a pocket by separating the top of the stomach and also dividing it from the bottom part. The separated section is attached to a different part of your intestine so that food can pass through it. 

In addition, a Y-shaped section is created in the small intestine. Using several stapling devices, which forces your intestines to expand when you eat. This will help you feel full after eating a small amount of food.

Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy

Laparoscopic Banda gástrica is done by removing most of the stomach, including the part that makes the hormone Ghrelin which stimulates hunger. The surgeon leaves a narrow tube-shaped stomach which is about the size of a banana.

Mini-gastric Bypass

Mini-gastric Bypass is the newest and least invasive form of gastric bypass surgery. It's done by creating a small stomach pouch and connecting it to a section of the small intestine. This surgery is mostly performed laparoscopically.

How Does Gastric Bypass Surgery Help You Lose Weight?

The main reason this type of cirugia de adelgazamiento procedure can help you lose weight is that your body will not absorb as many calories and nutrients from what you eat. This is because the stomach pouch created during this surgery. It makes you feel full quickly after eating only a small quantity of food. However, you should know that if your diet is not controlled and balanced. After having gastric bypass surgery, there are high chances that you will gain weight very quickly. We hope we have provided you with some useful information about gastric bypass. And that it will help you make a rational decision on whether to move forward with this procedure. If you have any concerns or queries about bariatric surgeries or wish to get any of them, contact Dr. Feiz. They have all the experience, knowledge, and skills to help you lose weight.

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