

For those seeking bariatric surgery in Ventura County, Dr. Feiz performs the life-changing sleeve gastrectomy in Oxnard. With the sleeve gastrectomy procedure, patients who are morbidly overweight as a result of genetic factors and/or prolonged unhealthy eating habits can turn their lives around and achieve drastic improvements in appearance, quality of life, and health. Along with a smaller stomach size, decreased levels of hunger hormones help create a two prong attack on the patient’s obesity when a Manga Gástrica is performed. Dr. Feiz understands how emotionally trying bariatric surgery can be for his patients and as a result employs psychological guidance and support for all of his patients. This has earned him a reputation as a trustworthy, compassionate surgeon for the sleeve gastrectomy in Oxnard.

Aside from his assuring bedside manner, Dr. Feiz is an adept and skilled surgeon, with almost five years of experience performing bariatric surgery as well as a comprehensive academic background with some of the most well established universities in the country. Dr. Feiz is able to consistently provide his patients with positive life changes by performing the sleeve gastrectomy in Oxnard. Ideal candidates for the sleeve gastrectomy procedure have a BMI of 35 or more and haven’t been successful in previous weight loss attempts. Call us today for a thorough evaluation regarding your eligibility for a sleeve gastrectomy in Oxnard with Dr. Feiz. The sleeve gastrectomy may be the best choice for you if you’re concerned with the risk of malnutrition via a gastric bypass or are uncomfortable with the idea of an implant and periodic adjustments required for a gastric band.

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