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agosto 7, 2024
Varicose Vein Treatment

Understanding the Link Between Varicose Veins and Obesity: A Path to Comprehensive Treatment  Varicose veins, those twisted and swollen blood vessels visible just under the skin's surface, are not just a cosmetic concern but a significant medical issue that can affect overall health and quality of life. For those struggling with obesity, the risk and […]

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agosto 7, 2024
Is Weight Loss Surgery an Option for YOU?

Is Bariatric Surgery Right for You in the Battle Against Obesity  Are you an adult whose BMI is 30 or higher, or are you carrying at least 30 pounds of excess weight, which may be impacting your health? If this applies to you, weight loss surgery could be a potential consideration. It's important to note […]

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abril 20, 2024
Weight Loss Surgery & Living Longer

Can Weight Loss Surgery Help You Live Longer?  …in short, yes! But, you must be willing to put in the work.  Obesity has not only long been linked to a host of health challenges but remains a significant cause for the reduction in life expectancy by 5-10 years. Interestingly, although bariatric surgery has been shown […]

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abril 17, 2024
Differences Amongst Gastric Sleeve & Gastric Bypass Surgery

Lap Band, Gastric Sleeve & Gastric Bypass: What’s the Difference?  Have a BMI of 40 or higher (or 35 with a comorbidity) and considering weight loss surgery? Here’s the lowdown on the top three major weight loss surgeries contending to help you win the war on weight once and for all.  The two major weight […]

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febrero 6, 2024
Tips to Nix Nerves Prior to Weight Loss Surgery

Nervous About Your Upcoming Weight Loss Surgery? Gain Control of Your Anxiety with These Top Five Tips  Having anxiety or feeling apprehensive or even fearful regarding your upcoming weight loss surgery is completely normal and totally understandable. Here are five tips to help nix nerves fast.  Dealing with anxiety issues prior to undergoing bariatric surgery […]

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