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noviembre 30, 2021

All You Need to Know About Gastric Sleeve

gastric sleeve cost

The surgery has been around for over two decades and is quickly gaining popularity among weight loss procedure options. It can be done through laparoscopy or open surgery. The latter always involves an overnight stay at the hospital and a 3 to 6 weeks recovery time. 

Laparoscopic procedures are performed under general anesthesia and recovery time is around 1 to 2 weeks. Today, the surgery is used as a primary means of weight loss or as an alternative to gastric bypass or gastric banding for morbidly obese people with BMI over 40. This article discusses the surgery itself and what is included in the overall manga gástrica cost

Overview of Gastric Sleeve Surgery

The procedure works by creating a smaller stomach pouch that does not allow you to eat large portions at once. That makes you feel full quickly and reduces the desire to eat much. It is done by making an approximately 20cm long vertical gastric sleeve. The shape of this banana-like structure makes it possible to reroute part of the stomach so that food does not pass through most parts of your stomach. Instead, it is routed directly to the duodenum - the first part of the small intestine. The result is a drastic weight loss and an improvement in many obesity-related medical conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

Steps Included in the Procedure that Determine the Gastric Sleeve Cost


An anesthesiologist team is involved in each patient’s anesthesia care with support from nurse anesthetists. A brief medical history and physical examination are performed to establish a general health assessment for the surgery. Intravenous (IV) fluids are started on all patients before surgery, and the anesthesia team also orders blood tests. When compared, the lap band surgery cost isn't much different from gastric sleeve because they're both done under general anesthesia.

Creating an Incision and Insert a Nissen Fundoplication Device

The abdominal area of the patient is thoroughly cleaned with antiseptic wash. The skin around the upper part of the abdomen is sterilized with an iodine solution to prevent infection after surgery, and a sterile drape is placed over this area. A surgical marking pen may be used to mark the areas for incision of approximately 5-10 cm in length, which is necessary to insert a Nissen fundoplication device. At times, it can be longer to make room for the stomach tube inserted at the end of surgery.

The skin is then pulled back or "dissected" away to exposed connective tissue. The connective tissue is then dissected away from the esophagus, and a "tube" that will ultimately hold food in your stomach after surgery is placed into position. This helps prevent reflux of stomach contents back into the esophagus, which would otherwise happen if this tube was not present.

You Can Also Read:- Factors that Determine Gastric Sleeve Surgery Cost

Resecting the Stomach and Closing the Abdomen

Gastric sleeve resection and closure is a routine surgical procedure with the potential for reduced complication rate, reduced length of hospital stay, and reduced gastric sleeve cost compared with Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. The technique has evolved over the past 20 years, and it is now possible to perform most procedures using a single port (5-10mm) and a slight abdominal entry wound.

Postoperative Care and Diet Therapy

When you get discharged from the hospital, you will receive an adequate diet plan which boosts your motivation. You need to follow various rules while following the proper post-operative care and diet therapy after gastric sleeve surgery. The primary is that you cannot participate in physically challenging activities for at least six weeks after gastric sleeve surgery. The fundamental goal is to achieve good results after 6-12 months of surgery.

The above is a general overview of the surgery, and we hope we have provided you with the necessary information about it. If you have any questions about the procedure or want to get any bariatric surgery, contact Dr. Feiz, as they have all the equipment, skills, and experience needed to help you lose weight safely. 

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