
For individuals who are 100 pounds overweight or more, the burden of living with obesity can be almost unbearable. After all, living carrying so much excess body weight is not just a hassle; it’s a serious health concern. This is a condition that Dr. Michael Feiz has made his life’s work, as he believes that it’s important to live a healthy life without the damper of excess weight taking years of your life. It’s true that obesity is not a simple cosmetic concern; it poses a severe risk to your health and wellbeing and can affect every bodily system, not to mention the harm it does psychologically for individuals who suffer from obesity.

If you have dealt with obesity and nothing has proven effective in the long run to get you down to a healthy weight, you may be a good candidate for Gastric Sleeve Surgery with Dr. Feiz in offices throughout Southern California. This procedure involves the removal of approximately 85% of the stomach, including the segment that produces ghrelin, a hormone that causes hunger. The result of this reduced stomach size is slower digestion, which leads to longer satiety, not to mention drastically reduced feelings of hunger once ghrelin is no longer produced at much lower levels. Although gastric sleeve is a newer form of weight loss surgery, recent studies have shown that it can dramatically improve obesity-related illnesses, such as type 2 diabetes. Many patients, in fact, experience complete remission of their diabetes.

When considering Gastric Sleeve Surgery, it’s important to do your research to find the most qualified bariatric surgeon with an impeccable record of excellence. Dr. Feiz has continually received recognition at the local and national level for gastric sleeve and lap band surgery Los Angeles, and he is a board-certified bariatric surgeon who has more than just surgical skill to his credit; he is an expert counselor. Beating obesity will be a tough road, but with Dr. Feiz by your side, you are sure to get down to a healthy weight for life!

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