Crystal Colone - Band to Sleeve Conversion Surgery
Crystal 6 months post-surgery has lost over 90lbs and has reached her goal weight of 160lbs and is now where she wants to be for her physique. Since her surgery, Crystal has been able to get a new job, where she is getting paid double! Before her surgery, she was experiencing a lot of back problems and swollen/painful joints causing her to take strong doses of pain medications daily: both over the counter and prescription pain medications. Pre-Surgery, Crystal was not be able to stand on her foot at times for more than 15-30 minutes. Now post-surgery, all back pains and swollen/painful joints are 100% gone. She does not take any pain meds and is actively working and standing on her feet for hours a day. Crystal's new job requires her to be on her feet all day, she mentioned to us at her last visit, she never needs to sit and rest, she is constantly running around and she absolutely loves it! She is no longer depressed, frustrated, and lacking in self-confidence.
"With my new physique, I feel confident starting to dress up, socialize and start dating again! I am so much happier and so grateful to have had the surgery! I am able to live again and get my life back! Thank you so much Dr. Feiz for getting myself and my two daughters healthy again! I knew from the start you were the best surgeon to go to!"