
As an expert in all forms of obesity surgery, Dr. Michael Feiz has treated countless patients with excellent, long-lasting results. After all, undergoing lap band, gastric sleeve or gastric bypass surgery should be the final weight loss technique to turn your life around, and with Dr. Feiz, it will be. As one of the foremost bariatric surgeons in the country, Dr. Feiz knows the importance of counseling his patients through the entire process of getting bariatric surgery, from the initial consultation through diagnosis and treatment, so their weight loss results are permanent.

For those considering getting the lap band, Beverly Hills is a natural decision, as the foremost surgeons in the nation practice there, including Dr. Feiz. As a distinguished surgeon, Dr. Feiz has an impressive resume that boasts numerous honors from the top universities he attended. Since opening his own practice in Beverly Hills, Dr. Feiz has had numerous clients who came in to their initial consultation feeling as though their obesity-related illnesses would be a part of their lives forever. Fortunately, Dr. Feiz has helped these patients turn their lives around and lose significant weight.

Along with weight loss, Dr. Feiz has offered his patients nutrition and exercise tips so they can keep up a healthy lifestyle. While bariatric surgery is an indispensable tool on the road to a healthier life, patients also require extensive counseling to be able to achieve successful weight loss, and most importantly, maintain a healthy weight. For every step of the way, Dr. Feiz and his talented staff are there to guide patients along a path to success. To learn more about the weight loss solutions offered by Dr. Feiz and Associates, contact their Beverly Hills office today at 310-855-8058!

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