
If you've been trying to lose significant amounts of weight through increased exercise and decreased calorie consumption for what seems like your entire life, Michael Feiz, M.D., F.A.C.S. has a proven solution that has helped countless severely obese patients to escape the trap of obesity. Dr. Feiz and Associates has become known as the place for weight loss procedures, including lap band sleeve gastrectomy Carson, Huntington Beach, Valencia, Beverly Hills, and all of Southern California turns to when reduced calorie diets and exercise fail to vanquish severe obesity.

Many patients opt for a gastric sleeve, which removes a large portion of the stomach, creating a sleeve-like shape. Others opt for the adjustable and reversible lap band, which ties off a large portion of the stomach, greatly reducing its size and the patient's appetite along with it. Both operations get at the root cause of obesity: the endless urges to eat that often feel like hunger and which only get frequent and more irresistible as patients attempt to lose weight.

Whichever type of surgery patients opt for, the idea behind bariatric surgery is a simple one: study after study indicates that traditional means of weight loss only tend to increase the increase the body's overproduction of hormones that cause us to feel hungry, so the best way to enable excess weight loss is to short-circuit those calls. If bariatric surgery sounds like the best way out of your personal obesity trap, your next step should be contacting Dr. Feiz's office to inquire about a free seminar. It's a great way to learn more about the available procedures, including whether or not you are a candidate for an operation, and such matters as the relative pros and cons of lap band vs gastric sleeve procedures.

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