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enero 5, 2022

What is the Difference Between Gastric Bypass and Gastric Sleeve in Weight Loss Surgery?

If you are considering undergoing cirugia de adelgazamiento, gastric bypass and gastric sleeve are both among the most common and widely performed bariatric operations. The difference between the two is that gastric bypass removes part of the stomach, while a gastric sleeve removes almost all of it. In this blog post, we will talk about how each differs from the other in detail and make it easier for you to decide which one to go with.

If you want to be at ease mentally when going for a bariatric (weight loss) surgery,  then your best option is to opt for the best obesity surgery team in the medical space; Dr Feiz. The surgical wonder team there can help you lose weight in little time while nursing you back to health properly.

With that said, let's begin!

Difference Between Gastric Sleeve and Gastric Bypass Weight Loss Surgery:

"Gastric sleeve vs gastric bypass" has been a popular search query on Google for a very long time. Obesity is a disease that can lead to fatal outcomes like sleep apnea and heart attack. Getting the surgery for it timely is a good decision however knowing what type of surgery you are going in for is important as well. Let's differentiate between the two procedures.

Gastric Bypass:

In bypass gástrico, a small stomach pouch, the size of a walnut, is cut to restrict the amount of food that can be eaten. The pouch is then connected directly to the small intestine bypassing the rest of the stomach. This surgery has been performed for the longest time and is considered the safest option in the world of surgeries. The technique has been perfected over the years and carries a minimal risk so you should have little to no trouble opting for it.

Gastric Sleeve:

In manga gástrica surgery, a large part of the stomach is removed and thus results in a smaller stomach that restricts the intake of food. Once that portion is removed, the rest of the gut is stapled back together. It dramatically reduces the size of your stomach and limits the amount of food you can consume as the remaining portion is connected directly to the small intestine. Since the food directly enters the intestines from your gut, a process called "malabsorption" takes place where the body doesn't absorb as much food as it once used to. This helps you lose weight over time.

Read more:- All You Need to Know About Gastric Sleeve

Post-Operative Care for Bariatric Surgery:

Here are a few post-operative care routines you can try after bariatric surgery for better recovery:

  • Follow the specific dietary guidelines your doctor gives you to make sure you're getting enough nutrients
  • Drink plenty of water and other clear liquids in the days following surgery to stay hydrated
  • You can normally start eating soft foods after a week or two of the surgery. Try to avoid foods that are high in fat, sugar and salt.
  • Gradually add solid foods back into your diet over the next few months
  • Make sure you continue to exercise regularly and maintain a healthy weight however, this needs to start after the incision wound has healed
  • Avoid alcoholic drinks as they can irritate the wound and cause severe medical complications

Mentioned above are the main differences between gastric bypass and gastric sleeve surgery. Both are low risk surgeries but knowing which one to go with can be of great help. Your doctors team over at Dr Feiz can guide you through the process and advise on what's the best course of action. Weight loss surgery is a big decision and is not to be taken lightly. If you made it to the end of this blog, we believe you are more than ready to take this step and fight against obesity!

For further information, visit the FAQs section below.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How long does it take for stomach to heal after gastric bypass?

You are able to start eating small meals after about six weeks of the surgery. You need that time to recover properly. It is advised to not take part in any strenuous activity during this time period.

How much weight do you lose after gastric bypass?

Most people lose anywhere from 50-70% of their excess weight post surgery however it differs from person to person. Everyone has a different body and sees different outcomes.

Can you drink alcohol after gastric sleeve?

Doctors generally advise against consuming any type of alcoholic beverage after bariatric surgery as it can lead to medical complications. Consult with your doctor about what is safe for you. Alcohol most probably won't be on that list.

What foods cannot be eaten after bariatric surgery?

There are a few restrictions to what can and cannot be eaten after gastric bypass surgery. Foods with high fat, sugar or salt content should not be consumed as they may lead to digestive problems. These include:

  • Carbonated drinks
  • Bread
  • Raw vegetables
  • Red meats
  • Fried food
  • Spicy food
  • Alcohol
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