

For those who have had unsuccessful attempts at losing weight through diet and exercise regiments, the gastric bypass in Oxnard is a guaranteed way to lose weight and lead a more healthy life. In order to be eligible to undergo the gastric bypass procedure, one must have a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 35 or more and must undergo evaluation regarding overall health stability. Dr. Feiz’s in-depth health evaluations assure that a patient undergoes the bariatric procedure that best facilitates their individual weight loss needs. This helps ensure a safe and successful cirugia de adelgazamiento.

While in the past gastric bypasses required the incision and exposure of the stomach cavity in order to be performed, the gastric bypass in Oxnard can now be performed laparoscopically by Dr. Feiz. In the laparascopic method, 3-4 small incision (less than a cm long), are made in the abdomen, which serve as entry points for a small camera and narrow surgical instruments used to carry out the surgery. With this method there is negligible scarring and marked reduction in recovery time and post-op pain. Patients are consistently thrilled with the life-changing results that are brought about by the gastric bypass in Oxnard with Dr. Feiz. Please call today to schedule a free consultation!

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