
While it may seem like no one and nothing can help you and your weight problem, Dr. Michael Feiz has performed many manga gástrica procedures that a number of patients have attributed as a miracle. However, Dr. Feiz is accustomed to working with obese individuals, and is eager to hear their stories so he can tailor a weight loss plan to their needs. Dr. Feiz chooses Banda gástrica as the best option for many patients as it is highly effective and also less invasive than other bariatric procedures currently available.

Several months after surgery, patients may begin to notice that the pain in their weight-bearing joints goes away, and their ability to get up and be more mobile also improves. While this is a dramatic outcome, it is not the only thing patients can expect. Other small changes add up to big results, such as snoring stopping and improved relationships. Patients can enjoy being active and doing things with their families or friends that they may have never attempted, such as riding a horse, going for a hike and even simply fitting on the seats of an amusement park ride. Through it all, Dr. Feiz will be there to encourage you and make sure you are making good progress.

If you would like further information about sleeve gastrectomy or lap band surgery, please call the offices of Dr. Feiz & Associates at 310-855-8058 today to set up your FREE initial consultation, or learn where you can attend a FREE seminar in areas all throughout Southern California. We look forward to learning your story and helping you along your weight loss journey!

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