
Gastric sleeve surgery is a newer bariatric procedure in the realm of weight loss surgeries, but one that Dr. Michael Feiz champions. Dr. Feiz & Associates see the value of Manga Gástrica, as it is also known, because the procedure helps patients control their cravings and it reduces hunger with the removal of a large segment of the stomach. When the stomach is stapled closed, patients no longer have the portion of the stomach that produces what is commonly called “the hunger hormone,” or ghrelin. When patients eat less and stay full longer, they slowly but successfully lose weight.

Of course the minimization of ghrelin isn’t enough for a patient to lose weight, without effective behavior modification counseling from an expert like Dr. Feiz. As a compassionate bariatric surgeon, Dr. Feiz is well acquainted with the fact that morbidly obese patients who require manga gástrica surgery not only need a successful operation, but counseling. By learning proper healthy eating and exercise techniques, patients can kick their bad habits once and for all and start to live a life free of the hassles associated with being severely overweight.

With a successful operation and a personalized approach to patient care, Dr. Feiz is a step ahead of his competitors who perform sleeve gastrectomy in Los Angeles. While the decision to have weight loss surgery is not a simple choice for anyone, Dr. Feiz thoroughly explains what patients can expect and makes sure his patients are well-informed about what to expect every step of the way on their weight loss journey.

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