
Suffering from obesity is not about having a few extra pounds, or worrying about “swim suit season,” or feeling fat compared to other people. Struggling with obesity means you are at a much higher risk of suffering serious, life-limiting diseases, and even having a shortened life span. Michael Feiz, M.D., F.A.C.S. and his team at Dr. Feiz & Associates are here to help. Dr. Feiz gathered a knowledgeable team at Dr. Feiz & Associates to help patients who have struggled with being obese for too long. He specializes in a variety of bariatric surgery techniques, from needlescopic sleeve gastrectomy to Lap Band revision surgery. Dr. Feiz and his caring team want their patients to successfully lose weight, and keep it off, so they can enjoy their lives.

During the initial consultation, Dr. Feiz learns about his new patient as an individual, so that he can recommend bariatric procedures that will suit the patient’s body. Everyone is different, so each person will respond differently to different procedures. However, there are two great, highly successful procedures that many patients choose, and Dr. Feiz will make sure his patients know the benefits of these – gastric sleeve vs. Lap Band. While these procedures both rely on creating a smaller stomach area to help the patient feel full after eating less, the Lap Band uses a removable medical device, while gastric sleeve surgery removes part of the stomach to create a permanent, smaller pouch. By discussing these or other surgical options with Dr. Feiz, his patients make better decisions and therefore see success losing weight.

If you have questions about which procedure is right for you, or need a revision surgery such gastric sleeve after Lap Band, Dr. Feiz & Associates have the knowledge you need and the compassion to help you through every stage of the process.

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