Si ha estado contemplando una cirugía para bajar de peso durante algún tiempo, es natural que esté ansioso por comenzar una vez que haya decidido seguir adelante. La buena noticia es que Dr. Feiz & Associates emplea un enfoque de equipo integral que brinda una gran eficiencia en términos de tiempo. Sin embargo, la cantidad de tiempo entre la primera consulta y la fecha de la cirugía depende de varios factores, muchos de los cuales dependen de la capacidad de nuestros pacientes para completar las evaluaciones necesarias.

Si bien algunos pacientes pueden prepararse para la cirugía tan pronto como dos semanas después de su consulta inicial, cada procedimiento bariátrico es diferente, por lo que la cantidad total de tiempo puede variar. Los retrasos pueden ser necesarios por varias razones.

What factors can delay a weight loss procedure?

  • The Patient Needs to Lose Weight. This might seem counterintuitive, but sometimes we will determine that, in order to maximize the safety and effectiveness of the procedure, the patient should try and lose some weight prior to the procedure. We understand that weight loss is difficult – the whole point of these procedures is to make it more achievable. However, most obese people have been temporarily successful in losing at least some weight, sometimes repeatedly throughout their life. It’s often a good idea to try that one last time.
  • A Patient Has to Stop Smoking. If you’re a smoker, you’ve probably been reminded a great many times that the only thing worse for a person’s health than obesity is smoking. Not surprisingly, smoking also raises the likelihood of complications and operations should be avoided until the patient has stopped smoking for at least thirty days prior to the procedure.
  • Insurance. We will do our best to help patients ensure that their procedures are covered whenever possible. However, as you are probably aware, insurance companies can move slowly and resolving issues can often take a little time.
  • Scheduling. Patients can expect to get scheduled within a week or two after receipt of insurance authorization and obtaining completed medical clearance from a primary care physician or specialists.

Get Started Now

Nuestro equipo en Dr. Feiz & Associates sabe que es de interés para todos realizar cirugías bariátricas de la manera más oportuna posible. Sin embargo, el proceso de pérdida de peso no comenzará hasta que reserve su consulta inicial en nuestras oficinas. Para comenzar, llámenos al número de teléfono anterior o comuníquese con nuestra página de contacto.

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