La recuperación requiere esfuerzo. La dieta es estricta. Tu cuerpo está tratando de curarse. Tu peso comienza a ajustarse. La etapa de recuperación del proceso se vuelve más fácil una vez que comienza a ver cambios positivos. El tiempo varía según el paciente. Algunos pacientes comienzan a perder kilos a los pocos días de la cirugía. Para otros, pasan un par de meses antes de que vean una pérdida de peso notable. Con coraje y un círculo de apoyo, superarás la recuperación y comenzarás a hacer cosas como nunca antes.

Para obtener una perspectiva personal sobre la recuperación, haga clic aquí.

  1. ¿Qué debo hacer para tener éxito después de la cirugía?
  2. Why is it so important to drink so much water?
  3. What is dumping syndrome?
  4. ¿Qué pasa si no tengo hambre después de la cirugía bariátrica?
  5. ¿Hay alguna dificultad para tomar medicamentos?
  6. ¿Cuánto tiempo estaré sin alimentos sólidos después de la cirugía bariátrica?
  7. ¿Cuáles son las mejores opciones de proteínas?
  8. ¿Cómo puedo estar segura de que estoy comiendo suficiente proteína?
  9. ¿Podré comer alimentos "picantes" o condimentados?
  10. ¿Recibiré una lista de patrones de alimentación y alimentos sugeridos después de la cirugía?
  11. Why is exercise so important?
  12. How much exercise is needed after bariatric surgery?
  13. Is there a difference in the outcome of bariatric surgery between men and women?
  14. Do I meet with a nutritionist after surgery?
  15. What is the follow-up schedule?
  16. How can I find a support group?
  17. How to eat post-surgery?
  18. How long should patients stick to a liquid diet?
  19. What foods should be avoided?
  20. What type of exercise is recommended?
  21. What happens after weight loss surgery?

¿Qué debo hacer para tener éxito después de la cirugía?

Aunque los pasos para la recuperación son diferentes para todos, a continuación se muestran algunos ejemplos comunes:

  • Inmediatamente después de la cirugía bariátrica, su médico revisará las instrucciones dietéticas recibidas en la educación preoperatoria.
  • Muchos cirujanos bariátricos inician a los pacientes con dietas líquidas y, después de un período de tiempo, los cambian a alimentos semisólidos. Posteriormente, cuando el cirujano lo considere oportuno, los pacientes pueden comenzar a ingerir alimentos sólidos.
  • Es necesario e importante introducir lentamente una dieta de alimentos sólidos para dar tiempo a la curación adecuada de la nueva bolsa del estómago. También da tiempo para aprender la nueva forma de comer y acostumbrarse a nuevas sensaciones de saciedad. Esto evita los vómitos y le ayuda a evitar estirar la bolsa.

Bariatric patients may hear the following, but again, following your doctor's specific orders is always best:

  • Cuando el paciente pueda ingerir alimentos sólidos, deberá comer de dos a tres comidas al día.
  • Las fuentes recomendadas de proteína son carnes magras (pollo, pavo y pescado), carne molida magra y otras fuentes bajas en grasa como huevos, claras de huevo, queso bajo en grasa, requesón bajo en grasa y sin grasa, bajo -Yogures de azúcar.
  • To help avoid dumping syndrome, you may want to cook foods without using fat and season food to taste. It's a good idea to avoid sauces, gravies, butter, margarine, mayonnaise, and foods high in fat and/or sugar. Read labels and avoid sugars, sugar alcohols, and saturated fats greater than three to five grams per 1/4 to 1/2 cup serving.
  • A menudo no se sugiere comer entre comidas. No se recomienda beber bebidas aromatizadas, incluso refrescos dietéticos, entre comidas. Utilice únicamente bebidas sin carbonatación y sin calorías.
  • Generalmente se recomienda mantenerse hidratado con abundante agua. Evite la cafeína hasta que se puedan consumir 64 onzas de agua en un día.
  • Por lo general, se les dice a los pacientes que hagan ejercicio aeróbico todos los días durante al menos 20 minutos (caminar, andar en bicicleta, subir escaleras, etc.). El ejercicio de peso / resistencia se puede agregar de tres a cuatro días a la semana, según las instrucciones de su médico.

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Why is it so important to drink so much water?

When you are losing weight, there are many waste products to eliminate, mostly in the urine. Some of these substances tend to form crystals, which can cause kidney stones. A high water intake protects you and helps your body rid itself of waste efficiently, promoting better weight loss. Water also fills your stomach and helps create a feeling of fullness. If you feel a desire to eat between meals, it may be because you did not drink enough water in the hour before.

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What is dumping syndrome?

Eating simple sugars (such as sugar, honey, and corn syrup), high-fat foods, or other small-particle foods can cause dumping syndrome in those patients who have had gastric bypass surgery. This occurs when these products, which have a small particle size, are “dumped” from the stomach into the intestine at a rapid rate. Water then is pulled into the intestine from the bloodstream to dilute the sugar load. This flush of water causes symptoms that can include diarrhea, rapid heart rate, hot flashes or sweating and clammy skin, dizziness, or the feeling of needing to lie down. Some individuals experience some or all of these symptoms after eating more than 3 to 5 grams of sugar, alcohol sugar, or greasy foods, while others can handle greater amounts.

  • Though the symptoms are unpleasant, dumping syndrome is a helpful condition. Some patients will avoid sugar because of the very unpleasant symptoms it can cause. Dumping syndrome generally occurs 10 to 30 minutes after eating and the symptoms can last for 30 minutes to two hours.
  • The best treatment is prevention by avoiding foods that cause dumping syndrome. If you have dumping syndrome, lie down for a short while to lessen the symptoms. Dumping syndrome is a positive side effect of the surgery; it helps you learn to eat healthy!

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¿Qué pasa si no tengo hambre después de la cirugía bariátrica?

Es normal no tener apetito durante los primeros cuatro a seis meses después de la cirugía bariátrica. Continúe tomando líquidos y comuníquese con su cirujano bariátrico o médico de atención primaria si tiene problemas para comer dos o tres comidas al día.

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¿Hay alguna dificultad para tomar medicamentos?

La mayoría de las píldoras o cápsulas son lo suficientemente pequeñas para pasar a través de la nueva bolsa del estómago. Al principio, su médico puede sugerir que los medicamentos se tomen en forma triturada o líquida. Como regla general, pregúntele a su cirujano antes de tomar píldoras / cápsulas enteras si son más grandes que un maní pequeño. Algunos medicamentos líquidos (sorbitol, maltitol, xilitol) pueden causar síndrome de dumping debido a su contenido excesivo de azúcar en alcohol.

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¿Cuánto tiempo estaré sin alimentos sólidos después de la cirugía bariátrica?

La mayoría de los cirujanos bariátricos recomiendan un período de cuatro semanas o más sin alimentos sólidos después de la cirugía bariátrica. Se puede recomendar una dieta líquida, seguida de alimentos semisólidos, durante un período de tiempo hasta que se haya producido la curación necesaria. Su cirujano le proporcionará pautas dietéticas específicas.

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¿Cuáles son las mejores opciones de proteínas?

Las mejores opciones incluyen huevos, queso bajo en grasa, requesón bajo en grasa, tofu, pescado, otros mariscos, pollo (carne oscura), pavo (carne oscura), carne molida magra, carnes enlatadas bajas en grasa (atún o pollo blanco enlatado). ) y fiambres en rodajas finas.

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¿Cómo puedo estar segura de que estoy comiendo suficiente proteína?

La mayoría de los expertos sugieren de 30 a 65 gramos de proteína al día. Consulte con su cirujano para encontrar la cantidad adecuada para su tipo de cirugía. Demasiada proteína no es beneficiosa, ya que se usa como fuente de calorías en lugar de proteína para el cuerpo. No tener suficiente proteína resultará en fatiga. Sin suplementos de proteínas, la ingesta promedio de proteínas es de 20 a 30 gramos al día solo con alimentos regulares. Algunos programas recomiendan suplementos de proteínas, mientras que otros no.

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¿Podré comer alimentos "picantes" o condimentados?

La mayoría de los pacientes pueden disfrutar de alimentos picantes después de los primeros seis meses posteriores a la cirugía.

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¿Recibiré una lista de patrones de alimentación y alimentos sugeridos después de la cirugía?

Los cirujanos proporcionan a los pacientes materiales que describirán claramente una dieta sugerida y expectativas dietéticas. Después de la cirugía, la salud y la pérdida de peso dependen de seguir estas pautas. Debe hacer su parte limitando los alimentos con alto contenido calórico, evitando el azúcar, los bocadillos y las grasas, y siguiendo estrictamente la dieta establecida por su cirujano.

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Why is exercise so important?

When you have bariatric surgery , you lose weight as the amount of food energy (calories) you can eat becomes much less than your body needs. Your body has to make up the difference by burning unused fat or muscle tissue. Your body will tend to burn any unused muscle before it begins to burn the fat it has saved up. Without daily exercise, your body will burn unused muscle, and you will lose muscle mass and strength. Daily aerobic exercise for 20 minutes will tell your body to use your muscles and force it to burn the fat.

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How much exercise is needed after bariatric surgery?

Exercise is an important part of success after surgery. Exercise actually begins on the afternoon of bariatric surgery––the patient must be out of bed and walking. The goal is to walk further every day after that, including the first few weeks at home. You may be encouraged to begin exercising, limited only by discomfort, about two weeks after surgery. The type of exercise depends on your overall condition. Some patients who have severe knee problems can't walk well, but may be able to swim or bicycle. Many patients begin with low-stress forms of exercise and move on to more demanding activity when they are able.

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Is there a difference in the outcome of bariatric surgery between men and women?

Both men and women generally respond well to this surgery. In general, men lose weight slightly faster than women do.

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Do I meet with a nutritionist after surgery?

Personal nutrition counseling after surgery is available as needed or as required by your physician.

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What is the follow-up schedule?

Although weight loss operations such as the sleeve gastrectomy do not alter your ability to absorb vitamins and nutrients, you will need to supplement with vitamins early on as you get used to your new diet. We will follow your weight loss progress as well as monitor your vitamin and nutritional levels closely.

To ensure success, we recommend that you see us every three months for the first year and twice a year after that.

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How can I find a support group?

Support groups give patients an excellent chance to talk about personal and professional issues. Most patients learn, for example, that bariatric surgery will not fix existing emotional issues right away or heal the years of damage that morbid obesity might have caused to their emotional well-being. We have support groups in place to assist you with short-term and long-term questions and needs. Ongoing support after surgery helps to achieve the greatest level of success for our patients.

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How to eat post-surgery?

All patients are different, but most should start with liquid-only diets. This ensures that the patient’s new stomach is able to heal properly while also allowing the patient to get used to a new kind of quicker sensation of being full. This also limits the potential for adverse reactions like vomiting or stretching the new stomach pouch.

After subsequent determinations by a doctor, the patient can slowly move from a liquid-only diet to semisolid foods, and eventually to solid foods. At this point, the patient should stick to a diet of three meals a day and a single, healthy snack between each meal per day.

Patients should also stay vigilant regarding hydration, drinking plenty of water.

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How long should patients stick to a liquid diet?

Because the patient’s stomach needs to heal, the general consensus is that a patient should wait about four weeks before consuming solid food after a procedure. This can also help a patient get used to their altered stomach without risking adverse effects.

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What foods should be avoided?

Foods with saturated fats between 12 and 20 grams per serving are not recommended. Sugars, including those from alcohol, should also be avoided. Additionally, gravy, butter or margarine, mayonnaise, and other ingredients that are high in fat and sugar should not be consumed or used to cook with—these high-fat or high-sugar items can lead to dumping syndrome.

Flavored and/or carbonated beverages are also to be avoided, particularly in between meals. Diet versions should also be off limits. Caffeine consumption should be limited until after the patient is able to consume 64 ounces of liquid in the course of a day.

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What type of exercise is recommended?

Aerobic exercise lasting at least 20 minutes is recommended every day. This can include anything from walking to stair climbing. Resistance or weight training is also acceptable for up to four days per week.

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What happens after weight loss surgery?

Though bariatric surgery does not radically alter the body’s ability to absorb nutrition from consumed food, supplements are usually necessary while patients adjust to a new lifestyle after a surgery. Doctors should monitor patient progress to ensure there are no complications and that proper nutrition is being maintained. For the first year, we recommend that patients visit for follow-ups once every three months for the first year, then once every six months thereafter.

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