
The LAP Band is a sophisticated approach to weight loss, and the surgeon California increasingly turns to first is the famous Dr. Michael Feiz, M.D., FACS. His band to sleeve operations are increasingly in-demand.

While the LAP Band is considered a safe and effective way to lose weight in cases of serious obesity, there are rare circumstances (such as the so-called “LAP Band erosion”) that give patients the prerogative to switch from band to sleeve, and achieve results once and for all. Gastric sleeve after LAP Band surgery has already been performed may sound like unappealing prospect, but Dr. Feiz’s techniques accomplish it so smoothly, you’ll be on your way to a new body in no time.

Band to sleeve is certainly not the only configuration of revision surgery that gets performed with regularity by Dr. Feiz. Since all patients’ bodies are different, gastric bypass after lap band sometimes being the best way to get weight loss on track. Conversely,LAP Band surgery after gastric bypass is sometimes needed.

About Dr. Feiz

If you’re ready to make a decision for better health, and a better body, calling Dr. Feiz at (310) 817-6911 or (800) 868-5946 might be the most important decision you make this year. Dr. Feiz has spent his life honing the delicate craft of bariatric surgery to make sure his patients are given a chance at the new life they deserve.

Far from being a gimmick sold on a television commercial, Dr. Feiz considers bariatric surgery to be an important, lifesaving procedure. He is one of few doctors to embrace micro-laparoscopy, and a number of other techniques considered too expensive. Not only has he incorporated these skills into his repertoire, but he has also honed them to precision, and then made them available to all of his patients.

It’s time to contact 310-817-6911 / 800-868-5946 to get FREE consultation or attend a FREE seminar, and learn what Dr. Feiz can do for your future.

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