
Start Fresh with a Healthier Life

It’s always a good time to put away the errors of the past and starting over fresh, which is why people make resolutions that will make them healthier, happier, and stronger people. So many people put losing weight on their list of resolutions, but forget about it as soon as the next piece of cake comes around. Losing weight is so essential to leading a healthier and happier lifestyle, so this year you should seek the assistance of Dr. Michael Feiz and his incredible team of health care professionals for the weight loss solution that will keep you sticking to your resolutions.

One of the main reasons that weight loss surgeries, whether it’s Lap Band vs. gastric sleeve, are so successful is because they are proven to help you drastically lose weight. The surgeries reduce a patient’s stomach size so that they eat less but still feel full and eventually have less food cravings. The Lap Band, gastric sleeve, and band to sleeve revision procedures are all performed by the highly trained and skilled team at Dr. Feiz and Associates.

The state-of-the-art facilities at Dr. Feiz and Associates are designed to make patient’s feel comfortable. The dedicated team works hard to ensure that every patient gets the best care possible. If you’re ready to start the New Year with a slimmer body and improved well-being, call our offices today. We can set up a free consultation to answer your questions, discuss sleeve gastrectomy after Lap Band options, and quell your fears.

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