
If you’re fighting severe obesity, you’re also likely dealing with discomfort, dissatisfaction, and a frustration with your diet plan. This can be due to many reasons, but is attributed by many in the medical field to the hormone called ghrelin. For those who don’t know, ghrelin is considered to be the hunger hormone because as one loses weight, ghrelin tells them that they are actually getting hungrier and should eat more. If you feel like you’re losing your weight loss battle due to ghrelin, there is help available….help through weight loss surgeries, like those offered by Michael Feiz, M.D. F.A.C.S. and his team at Dr. Feiz & Associates.

The team at Dr. Feiz & Associates will help you with every aspect of your weight loss surgery, from the decision that arises from the choice between the Lap Band vs. sleeve gastrectomy, all the way through check ups after you’ve recovered from the initial operation. Because of its effectiveness on ghrelin, many patients may tend to make the sleeve procedure their first choice.

For those who have already had a weight loss procedure, Lap Band revision surgery is also available from Dr. Feiz, and is considered by many to be an incredibly effective method of improving the weight loss results of your operation. This is because the Lap Band revision surgery works by undoing your original Lap Band, and instead applying a gastric sleeve. Better yet, the portion of the stomach removed produces a great deal of the body’s ghrelin. This procedure is so effective in fact, that the band to sleeve operation has become one of Dr. Feiz’s most popular options. For more information, contact Dr. Feiz & Associates.

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