julio 29, 2023

Types of Weight Loss Surgery: What You Need to Know

If you’re suffering from a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 35 or higher, you may be an excellent candidate for any of the most popular weight loss surgeries currently being performed that have demonstrated desirable results.

While there are several types of weight loss surgeries spanning from traditional lap-band and gastric bypass procedures to the more recent, innovative solutions, one thing is for sure – the ever-evolving weight loss industry continues to introduce newer, faster, more effective procedures, requiring less downtime and scarring, as well as exponentially reduced risks and infections. These revered and relevant procedures also offer patients significantly more weight loss potential and an increased quality of life. Of course, your surgeon will need to determine the best treatment plan for your body that will yield the most desirable, long-term results. Let us look at the most popular types of bariatric surgeries that address obesity and obesity-related illnesses you should know about.

Gastric Sleeve (Banda gástrica)

This type of bariatric surgery is the most patient-requested and surgeon-performed in the U. S., primarily for its straightforward technique and appeal to most individuals’ bodies. The gastric sleeve also boasts the least number of reported risks/infections. (SOURCE: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/17285-bariatri) It’s also widely touted within the weight loss industry due to its proven, long-term results. Simply put, this bariatric procedure removes a sizable portion of the stomach (nearly 80%), leaving behind a residual, tubular-shaped portion that resembles none other than a “sleeve,” hence the name. This part of the procedure reduces the amount of food consumption, stimulating a “fuller, faster” response. The gastric sleeve’s claim to fame is its unique ability to also significantly reduce hunger hormones that are normally produced in the stomach, thus stabilizing metabolism and regulating blood sugar levels. Patients have been enjoying life changing weight loss with a gastric sleeve weight loss procedure. As a weight loss patient, it is important to understand the different types of weight loss surgery and compare treatment options, however, at Dr. Michael Feiz and Associates, this highly sought after and effective procedure is the procedure we specialize in and widely recommend for our patients who are candidates for weight loss surgery.

Bypass gástrico

One of the earlier bariatric surgical innovations, the bypass gástrico consists of creating a small pouch at the top of the stomach where it’s subsequently separated from the lower portion and secured with surgical staples. Surgeons then divide the small intestine and connect to the stomach pouch. Food will be able to flow through the new, smaller stomach and into the lower segment of the small intestine, effectively “bypassing” the rest. The new, surgical restriction limits stomach capacity and the amount of nutrition the small intestine can absorb.

Lap-Band Conversion to Sleeve

A lap-band conversion to gastric sleeve procedure is very popular among patients wishing to convert from their prior banding procedure and who’ve experienced subpar results regarding their weight loss progression. Some patients have also complained about digestion and appetite issues after their banding procedure. A banding procedure is a reversible, surgical weight loss method where a large portion of the stomach is “tied” off with an adjustable, plastic device. Reportedly, this once-popular procedure has left.

many patients with less-than-desirable results, prompting a consideration for the more advanced, proven gastric sleeve technique. What makes this conversion surgery an especially viable option is the fact that the appetite-inducing ghrelin hormone found in the part of the stomach that is removed facilitates more successful pound-shedding.

Needlescopic Sleeve Gastrectomy

The needlescopic sleeve gastrectomy is a next-level, advanced gastric sleeve performed utilizing smaller, needlescopic tools that offer minimal scarring, but with the same efficacy and quicker recovery, as well as reduced risk of infection. It’s a patient-preferred gastric sleeve technique, as the skin will be spared from visible scarring, which is an attractive benefit come swimsuit season. 

Other bariatric surgical trends include traditional lap-band, though most patients wind up converting to the gastric sleeve due to complications and poor results. However, it’s important to note there are patients who have experienced wonderful results with the lap-band procedure due to its reversibility and adjustability features. The lap-band also leaves behind a minimal amount of scarring. As discussed many times in previous pieces, every patient is uniquely different, requiring different needs and having different health and aesthetic goals that need to be met. These factors are invariably taken into consideration, along with a comprehensive medical evaluation and a candid discussion of the patient’s medical and diet history. A deep dive into the patient’s relationship with food and other psychological issues will also be discussed and assessed before determining which procedure will yield the best results – effectively, safely, and for the long term.

Cosmetic Sleeve Gastrectomy

This signature procedure developed by Dr. Michael Feiz provides a permanent weight loss solution, using concepts from traditional weight loss surgery to target total body fat on patients looking to lose 20 pounds or more. The Cosmetic Sleeve promotes weight loss by reducing the size of the stomach via a needlescopic or laparoscopic surgery with incisions that are less than 3 millimeters, thus leaving virtually no scarring following recovery. This minimally invasive procedure is designed to restrict food intake and suppress the appetite, leading to rapid weight loss. With the needlescopic or laparoscopic approach to the Cosmetic Sleeve procedure, patients experience a faster recovery period with significantly less discomfort. 

Designed for patients who would otherwise not be a candidate for weight loss surgery, the Cosmetic Sleeve Gastrectomy compared to liposuction, tummy tucks, or other popular cosmetic procedures that only target specific areas, delivers total body weight loss with lasting results. Those who are looking to lose 20 pounds or more and have more than three “problem” areas are ideal candidates for this procedure. This reimagined approach at weight loss surgery combines the precision of the traditional gold-standard bariatric procedures with the vision of aesthetic outcomes— giving patients a long-lasting foundation for sustained weight loss and an improved sense of self.

What is Your Weight Loss Surgery Type?

If you’re an obese adult with a BMI of 40 or higher or a severely overweight adult with a BMI of 30 or higher with the possibility of a co-morbidity, you may be an excellent candidate for any of the previously mentioned weight loss surgeries. We invite you to call our office today to set-up a personal consultation with Dr. Feiz or any one of his highly reputable associates to help get you started on the path to weight loss victory.

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