
Among patients curious about options for dramatic and safe weight loss, gastric vertical sleeve surgery is one of the most common procedures requested of Dr. Feiz. So named for the “vertical sleeve” appearance of the stomach at its completion, the procedure leads to the reduction of the hunger-hormone ghrelin in the stomach. This creates a dramatic reduction in feelings of hunger after gastric sleeve surgery.

Unlike dieting alone, which can of course cause strong pangs of hunger, or dieting coupled with strenuous exercise, which in some cases leads to dangerous malnutrition, gastric sleeve surgery decreases feelings of hunger in a patient to a manageable level. Patients who have undergone the surgery don’t simply eat less, they don’t even want to eat as much; their bodies have essentially been tuned to more accurately represent a healthy level of eating.

In recent years, the surgery has become remarkably safe, particularly when performed by renowned Dr. Feiz using the STARR Treatment. This treatment allows a surgeon to perform gastric vertical sleeve surgery with only a single incision. By raising the efficiency of the procedure, the STARR treatment also speeds recovery and reduces discomfort and scarring.

Despite these advancements, Dr. Feiz is quick to point out that the surgery is not the ideal choice for everyone. However, for individuals with a Body Mass Index of 35 or higher, gastric sleeve surgery might represent an integral step towards healthy and permanent weight loss. For any questions regarding gastric sleeve surgery or any other procedure offered by Dr. Feiz, contact his offices today for a FREE consultation.

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