
Sleep Apnea and Respiratory Problems

Obesity and Sleep Apnea

This is a common ailment where improper breathing causes often imperceptible sleep interruptions, resulting in fatigue and increasing the likelihood of numerous serious health matters. Obstructive sleep apnea is when you stop breathing during sleep because soft tissue in the back of your throat collapses and closes your airway. Snoring can be an early sign of someone with obstructive sleep apnea. Morbid obesity is a leading cause of sleep apnea and other respiratory problems. The more your excess body weight, the more fat is pressing down on your chest and lungs. The result is a potentially dangerous disease.

How are sleep apnea and respiratory problems improved through bariatric surgery?

Clinical data show that obstructive sleep apnea is present in 60% of patients undergoing weight loss surgery. Reducing overall excess body weight reduces fat deposits in the tongue and neck that may cause sleep apnea.

What success have patients with breathing problems found through bariatric surgery?

Recent research found that obstructive sleep apnea was resolved in 85.7% of patients after gastric bypass surgery. Many people suffering from sleep apnea are undiagnosed. If you are obese and feel tired and fall asleep during the day and/or snore heavily at night, talk to your physician about whether you qualify for weight loss surgery.

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