
Sleeve gastrectomy surgery has been proven to change lives, especially when performed by a board-certified bariatric surgeon with a track record of excellence such as Dr. Michael Feiz. Based in Beverly Hills, Dr. Feiz performs gastric sleeve in Valencia, Thousand Oaks and many locations in Los Angeles, Orange and Ventura Counties and beyond. By helping those who are struggling with their weight get down to a healthy size once and for all, he accomplishes his goals. Dr. Feiz has successfully achieved this goal with numerous patients who have had undergone gastric sleeve surgery, a stomach-shrinking procedure that helps patients eat less, feel full more quickly and put an end to their relentless cravings.

A skilled practitioner of all forms of bariatric surgery, Dr. Feiz champions gastric sleeve surgery because it is highly effective in changing lives and helping obese individuals change their lives. What seems like a straightforward concept truly helps people get their weight in check, as the stomach is significantly altered to be 15% of its original capacity when a large segment is removed. This removed portion includes the stomach lining called the fundus, which produces a hormone called ghrelin that makes a person feel hungry, and the hormone leptin is released when they feel full and satisfied. With the drastic reduction in ghrelin, patients feel full more quickly and are satisfied with much smaller portions.

Patients interested in the gastric sleeve or lap band surgery in Rancho Cucamonga to Simi Valley turn to Dr. Feiz for his expertise and compassionate bedside manner. With his help, you, too, can achieve a healthy weight and live a longer, happier life free of the burdens of excess body weight.

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