
Too many people have struggled to lose weight for years. These people feel ashamed because they might lose weight, but then gain it back, often with extra pounds added. For people with a BMI of 40 or more or 35 or more with related health problems, losing weight is an especially pressing matter because of the high risk of related health problems. These include high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, sleep apnea, arthritis and joint pain, and even depression. Fortunately, patients seeking weight loss surgeries like sleeve gastrectomy in Los Angeles can turn to Dr. Michael Feiz, M.D., F.A.C.S. of Dr. Feiz & Associates to help.

Dr. Feiz and his incredible team have years of experience successfully helping patients reach a healthy weight through bariatric surgery, including Lap Band, gastric sleeve, or sleeve gastrectomy after Lap Band. Lap Band revision surgery is fairly rare, but Dr. Feiz has worked hard to gain the training and knowledge to help these patients. These patients may have experienced little success with their Lap Band because their metabolism does not suit this procedure, or they may have had the band implanted improperly by another surgeon. Regardless of the reason, Dr. Feiz is highly qualified to perform revision surgery, which involves removing the Lap Band and converting the stomach into a permanently smaller “sleeve.”

Patients who have not undergone weight loss surgery may view the band to sleeve revision procedure as a big step, and it is, but Dr. Feiz wants to ensure the health and safety of his patients so they can continue their weight loss success. Contact Dr. Feiz & Associates today to discuss weight loss surgery options.

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