
Weight loss surgery continues to make great strides, particularly since it was first developed, particularly in safety and effectiveness. One bariatric surgeon in Los Angeles who paves the way for safe, effective weight loss surgery is Michael Feiz, MD, FACS. By offering incredibly safe bariatric surgeries in Los Angeles and the surrounding area, Dr. Feiz uses unparalleled surgical skill, a talented support team, and his broad experience to perfect his technique.

As a leader in minimally invasive, laparoscopic bariatric surgery in Los Angeles, Dr. Feiz makes expert use of advanced technology that allows him to perform complex procedures through only very tiny incisions. In fact, only a few incisions no longer than a grain of rice as used, and a tiny camera called a laparoscope guides his way through the patient's digestive tract, whether he's performing a restrictive or malabsorptive procedure. Dr. Feiz performs all bariatric procedures (no matter a patient's choice of lap band vs. sleeve) completely through laparoscopic techniques, rather than using old technology that requires highly invasive incisions, requiring an open surgery.

Laparoscopy and good technique is particularly important for procedures like lap band revision surgery, where a secondary operation calls for advanced skill in bariatric surgery. With additional procedures come additional risks, so in order to successfully convert the stomach from band to sleeve, risk must be minimized as much as possible. And, because Dr. Feiz has extensive training in bariatric and minimally invasive surgery, he can do just that.

Call the offices of Dr. Feiz and Associates to learn more about minimally invasive bariatric surgery in Los Angeles.

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