
Weight loss can seem impossible when it feels like a lonely journey that you have to do all alone. Dieting can be tough if you have decades of bad eating habits to fight. Exercise can hurt if your weight issues have caused joint pain. Not to mention that depression, often linked to obesity, can make you feel like giving up. But with the help of the incredible surgeons at Dr. Feiz and Associates, you don’t have to do it alone. Our amazing weight loss procedures can put you on the route to a healthier life in no time.

The two major weight loss procedures are Lap Band and gastric sleeve. Lap Band is a less invasive surgery that includes placing a band around the stomach. It is a reversible procedure, which is attractive to many, but in some rare cases it can have unsatisfactory results. In that case, many people opt to have a band to sleeve revision. The gastric sleeve procedure involves removing a majority of the stomach, to shape it like a sleeve. The weight loss results are tremendous, partly because it reduces the production of the appetite hormone, ghrelin.

If you want to discuss the Lap Band vs. gastric sleeve decision, call to set up a free consultation at Dr. Feiz and Associates. We can explain the difference in the options, including the sleeve gastrectomy after Lap Band, answer your important questions, and put your mind at ease about the very exciting journey in front of you.

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