
Dr. Michael Feiz, M.D., F.A.C.S. is one of the most trusted and experienced weight loss surgeons in the Southern California area. He is board certified, and has an extraordinarily accomplished record both in his academic achievements, and his surgical record. On top of this, Dr. Feiz is also fluent in three languages, including English, Farsi, and Spanish.

Aside from an extraordinary professional background, Dr. Feiz is also incredibly patient focused. He likes to make sure each one of his patients understands all the parameters of his or her surgery, and provides close personal guidance throughout the entire process. This includes helping patients decide between the Lap Band vs. sleeve gastrectomy, including how these surgeries would help patients achieve their unique weight loss goals.

Lap Band revision surgery is also available from Dr. Feiz & Associates, and is an excellent strategy for helping patients who have experienced complications or disappointing results. These changes can be extremely helpful when it comes to increasing weight loss and decreasing discomfort. To be specific, band to sleeve operations are ideal for people who have had a Lap Band surgery, but who need to take a new direction. Exchanging the Lap Band for a gastric sleeve can be hugely beneficial in many cases because the gastric sleeve operation removes a significant portion of the stomach, with many important hormonal benefits. This increase in stomach capacity usually results in a serious drop in appetite along with a correlating drop in calorie intake. Needless to say, these two things can lead to lots of weight loss, and a healthy, happier life.

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