
The beginning of a new school year can also be the beginning of a new you, and at Dr. Feiz and Associates, we want to help everyone get the bodies they want to have. Weight loss is a great way to become healthier and more satisfied with your image and appearance. The benefits of weight loss have been well documented, and include a drastic decrease in the risk of serious health issues, as well as improvements in mental wellbeing. Weight loss surgery is an effective method to achieve those results, and the care of Dr. Michael Feiz is the go-to choice for Los Angeles area residents.

Patients seeking treatment from Dr. Feiz may not be familiar with weight loss procedures, which is why we make the expertise of our staff available to answer any questions anyone may have including inquiring the difference between a Lap Band vs. sleeve gastrectomy. Prospective patients need only leave any inquiries on the convenient contact page on our website, and one of our specialists will respond quickly, and work with them through any questions or concerns.

In addition to patients who are new to weight loss surgery, Dr. Feiz also dedicates himself to providing assistance to those who may have already undergone operations, and experienced disappointing results. Sometimes, previous surgeries demand further care, and our band to sleeve procedure is one effective option to improve upon previous work. Progress can often be made with simple adjustments to Lap Bands which is where our Lap Band revision surgery proves itself effective. Don’t wait to take positive steps toward a better you. Let the top-notch care of Dr. Feiz be your move toward a new, healthier and more confident beginning.

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