
gastric-bypass-long-beachGastric Bypass Long Beach

If you’ve lost significant weight from the Lap-Band or sleeve gastrectomy procedure, but find that you’re shedding weight at a slower rate months after the operation, it may be time to undergo a gastric bypass in Long Beach, a procedure that can effectively help you lose your remaining excess weight and thoroughly realize your weight loss goals. While the sleeve gastrectomy makes the stomach approximately the size of a banana and the Lap-Band restricts the flow of food into the stomach via an adjustable band placed around the stomach, the gastric bypass in Long Beach makes the stomach into a small pouch and completely re-routes the small intestine. In order to get a clearer idea of how the gastric bypass works, we strongly recommend watching the animated video we provide here on the site.

Since the majority of digestion occurs right in the small intestine after the gastric bypass in Long Beach, the body absorbs less calories and nutrients from ingested foods. The risk of malnutrition is why many patients who have higher BMI’s of 40> undergo a Lap Band or sleeve gastrectomy first in order to ease their bodies into a weight range that would respond better to a complete gastric bypass.

If you are interested in undergoing a gastric bypass in Long Beach with Dr. Feiz, please call and schedule a free consultation or attend a free seminar near you.

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