
Ever since the American Medical Association (AMA) officially classified obesity as a disease, more and more people have come to view it as the serious and often intractable condition that it often is. The reason it is a disease is because obesity greatly increases the risk of other, related diseases, such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and strokes. Michael Feiz, M.D., F.A.C.S., offers a real path to weight loss success for the many obese individuals who have had great difficulty trying to reverse their weight problem through diet and exercise.

Today's bariatric medicine offers numerous ways a persona can fight the obstacles that often make long-term weight loss seem impossible. While weighing the pros and cons of such procedures as lap band vs. gastric sleeve, Dr. Feiz can help you choose which procedure would be most effective in battling your weight problem. As a widely respected bariatric surgeon in Beverly Hills, Dr. Feiz is vocal in promoting the efficacy of lap band revision surgery, as well, a form of secondary weight loss surgery that has helped many lose weight when they thought their weight loss journey was finished. Dr. Feiz believes that band to sleeve patients tend to enjoy outstanding long-term results, because the procedure removes an area of the stomach that sends hunger cues to the brain, through a hormone called ghrelin. Without the persistent cravings and hunger between meals, a person can combat their obesity much more effectively.

Call the offices of Dr. Feiz & Associates today to learn more about revision weight loss surgery in Huntington Beach, Beverly Hills and throughout Greater Los Angeles.

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