
Any doctor or bariatric surgeon who bills weight loss surgery as a quick fix is not being honest with their patients. Anyone who has a bariatric procedure still has to watch what they eat for the rest of their life, they just now have a much easier time with portion control. Similarly, decisions about whether or not to elect a certain bariatric procedure do not end with the initial procedure. Some patients who initially elected a Lap band procedure find that they would be better suited to a sleeve gastrectomy after weighing a lap band vs. sleeve procedure. Luckily for patients in Southern California, Dr. Michael Feiz is one of the most skilled bariatric surgeons when it comes to performing these types of revision procedures.

The band to sleeve revision first begins with the removal of the Lap Band, followed by a sleeve gastrectomy procedure that typically removes about 85 percent of the stomach. This switch makes it so the stomach size is now smaller, and it also reduces the amount of ghrelin (a hunger causing hormone) is released into the body every time the stomach is empty.

Dr. Feiz has performed this type of lap band revision surgery on many of his patients, and patients of other doctors who trust in Dr. Feiz for this revision procedure. The decision to keep going on one’s weight loss journey is one that is crucial to a patient’s overall well-being and future health. To continue seeing real weight loss results, patients need to keep making the tough decisions necessary to lose weight.

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