
No one has ever said that losing weight with bariatric surgery is easy. But, with dedication and a positive attitude, a healthy future is more than attainable for many currently obese patients. The key to losing weight, as with many things in life, is to set out goals for yourself and then stick to them. It is important that, once you set out on your weight loss journey, you don’t stop until you have successfully lost the weight. And, there is no better surgeon to help get you there than Dr. Michael Feiz.

It is also good to remember that, even when you have already selected a procedure and you are not happy with the results you are getting, other options are available. When many people initially weigh the lap band vs. sleeve procedures when they are first deciding, they may not be working with a talented surgeon like Dr. Feiz who can correctly point them down the right path. Luckily, Dr. Feiz is incredibly skilled at performing band to sleeve revision surgeries for patients who would be better suited to the sleeve procedure.

One of the reasons that many patients find so much success with lap band revision surgery is that the gastric sleeve procedure has added hormonal benefits that the lap band does not. It also does not require frequent adjustment check-ups like the lap band. Many patients find that, as long as they are persistent and stick to their goals, the sleeve gastrectomy provides an incredible amount of weight loss success.

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