
Our team at Dr. Feiz and Associates are highly trained and experienced, and our expert knowledge in combination with our best in field practices and resources allow us to provide our patients with superior results. Through these results are patients who suffer with severe obesity are able to achieve the weight loss necessary in order to reach a normal weight and overcome potentially life threatening issues such as heart attack, stroke, cancer, and diabetes. Nevertheless, though Dr. Michael Feiz has the talent and skill necessary to provide world class treatment for each and every one of his patients, superior care doesn’t begin and end with the surgery itself. Dr. Feiz and Associates will work with you, every step of the way, to ensure that you continue to make consistently positive progress to achieve the results that you need.

Superior care begins with initial consultation. We want to ensure that you understand the ins and outs of weight loss surgery and that, if you are a good candidate, that you pursue the procedure that’s right for you. Though there are a range of procedures available, most patients inquire about the difference between two of the most common procedures, the Lap Band vs. gastric sleeve. Though both of these procedures are designed to provide the same end result, they involve a different technique, and we’ll help you understand which is best for your own purposes.

After surgery, we’ll continue to work closely with you to ensure a safe and rapid recovery. If issues do arise, there are a variety of options we can perform including a band to sleeve revision which is a common revision surgery. A sleeve gastrectomy after Lap Band may be the ideal choice to get you back on track.

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