
Many people who are dealing with obesity have heard of the Lap Band and all of the associated benefits of that weight loss surgery when performed by a leading doctor like Michael Feiz, M.D. F.A.C.S., but often times people haven’t heard of the gastric sleeve surgery. If you’re unfamiliar with it, the gastric sleeve operation has the same goal as the Lap Band operation: to help people lose a significant amount of weight. But the gastric sleeve goes about achieving its results in a different manner.

In fact, the differences between the Lap Band vs. gastric sleeve operations are major, as well as nuanced. In terms of the major differences, the Lap Band works by placing a band around the stomach, giving it an “hourglass” shape that slows digestion, whereas the gastric sleeve works by removing a large portion of the stomach. This removal of a significant portion of the stomach almost always results in a decrease in appetite due to both the smaller size of the stomach and to a reduction in the body’ production of hunger-inducing hormones, and thusly a significant decrease in food consumption.

Dr. Feiz & Associates also offers a band to sleeve revision operation that’s perfect for anybody who has had a Lap Band operation, but isn’t fully satisfied with their results. In fact, the procedure has been considered to be so effective by so many of his patients, that the sleeve gastrectomy after Lap Band is now one of his most popular weight loss options. Ultimately however, whether you’re looking for a Lap Band operation, a band to sleeve revision, or just a consultation on which course of action is best for you and your health goals, you’ll want to contact Dr. Michael Feiz and his team at Dr. Feiz & Associates.

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