
If you are significantly overweight, chances are, you probably already know that losing a significant amount of weight can greatly increase your health, mobility, comfort, and body image. But losing a lot of weight can be extremely difficult for many reasons. Strict diets and exercise can be stressful on the body, and there’s always ghrelin, “the hunger hormone” to contend with – it’s the culprit behind those impossible to ignore hunger pangs that make losing weight and keeping it off so incredibly hard. Luckily, there are procedures that can help. Procedures like the Lap Band and gastric sleeve, which are both available from Dr. Michael Feiz, M.D., F.A.C.S. and his team at Dr. Feiz & Associates.

For those who don’t know, when it comes to losing weight, two major procedures are usually considered. Those are the Lap Band and the gastric sleeve. There are some major differences between the two operations however, as well as numerous nuances, and Dr. Feiz can help you get a 360 degree view of both procedures. He’ll take his time to explain to you the pros and cons of the Lap Band vs. gastric sleeve operations, and will make sure you go with the procedure that best suits your health and wellness needs.

And, for those who have not been satisfied with the weight loss results from their original Lap Band procedure, Dr. Feiz & Associates also offers a band to sleeve revision operation that has a very high likelihood of success. In fact, the sleeve gastrectomy after Lap Band procedure is so effective, that it has become one of the more popular procedures amongst Dr. Feiz’s patients.

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