
For thousands of patients across the nation struggling with severe obesity, weight loss surgery is the best way to improve the quality of their life and to work toward a healthy lifestyle. Severe obesity is associated with serious, life threatening ailments which include stroke, diabetes, cancer, and heart failure. To make matters worse, those living with severe obesity may already know that diet and exercise will almost assuredly fail to deliver positive results. In fact, 99% of the time, these methods simply aren’t enough because willpower alone almost never defeats hormonally driven feelings of hungers. Bariatric surgeries like the procedures offered here at Dr. Feiz and Associates are consistently successful and very safe.

Education is key. Even if you don’t know the difference between a Lap Band vs. gastric sleeve procedure, our team will help you understand your procedure and learn if you are a good candidate for weight loss surgery. As a highly trained and experienced professional, Dr. Michael Feiz has the skill to help severely obese individual finally get on the right track so they can win the battle against obesity. In addition to providing outstanding options to first time bariatric patients, Dr. Feiz is also an expert in revision procedures to deal with past surgeries that haven’t produced the best results, including band to sleeve revision. Patients who may have experienced disappointment in the past need only seek our services. A sleeve gastrectomy after Lap Band operation is only one tool at our disposal to help. If you’re ready to experience the difference and are ready to become better you, contact our team today!

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