
For patients struggling with severe obesity, daily life can prove to be truly challenging. Simple tasks become much more difficult, and activities that most of us take for granted can feel out of reach for a severely obese individual. This is due directly to the many negative health effects that come coupled with being severely obese. These issues include life threatening ailments such as diabetes, heart attack, stroke, and even cancer. Further still, even the non-life threatening issues can impact the quality of life. Fortunately, at Dr. Feiz and Associations, Dr. Michael Feiz and our team are leaders in bariatric procedures, which includes high quality band to sleeve revision for patients who may need a second chance to lose weight for a healthier life.

Many severely obese patients may have never considered bariatric surgery, but bariatric procedures are proven to be safe and are effective at yielding the necessary results to help patients achieve a far healthier lifestyle. Even if you’re unfamiliar with the procedures, or don’t know the difference between operations such as the Lap Band vs. gastric sleeve operations we perform, our outstanding options are worth a look, and our team will help you find out if you’re eligible for a life changing procedure.

For patients who have undergone previous procedures with disappointing results, the sleeve gastrectomy after Lap Band procedure that we offer has helped a great many of Dr. Feiz’s most grateful patients to get their lives back on track. A healthier, happier life awaits you. Our team will help you live it.

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