
If you are severely obese and are currently locked in a battle to lose weight, chances are, you’re trying everything possible. But diet and exercise don’t always work as quickly as you’d like, and they can be very stressful on the body. Luckily, there is an entire area of medicine dedicated to helping those are suffering from obesity to lose weight. It’s the surgical weight loss field, and one of the top-tier leaders in the Greater Los Angeles area is Michael Feiz, M.D., F.A.C.S. of Dr. Feiz & Associates.

Dr. Feiz has dedicated his career to helping people recover from severe obesity, and has one of the best track records in bariatrics. This is because he is extremely detail-oriented and thoughtful, and likes to make sure his patients understand every aspect of their weight loss procedure. In fact, he guides his patients from the initial decision between the Lap Band vs. gastric sleeve procedures, all the way through post-operation check-ups to make sure everything turned out as it should.

Dr. Feiz & Associates offers the full range of procedures, including the band to sleeve revision surgery that is ideal for anybody who has had the Lap Band operation, but who may be experiencing less than stellar results or even complications. The procedure replaces the prior operation with a gastric sleeve, which an operation that removes approximately 70 to 80 percent of the stomach, thusly greatly reducing your appetite, and caloric intake accordingly. This is largely due to the fact that the area of the stomach removed is largely responsible for the production of key hunger hormones.

Whether you are interested in an initial procedure or in a sleeve gastrectomy after Lap Band, Dr. Feiz and his team would love to hear from you. Free informational seminars are held on a regular basis.

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