
The Lap Band surgery is one of the most well-known weight loss procedures. Prominent celebrities who have received the procedure have been incredibly upfront about it, bringing much attention to it. Also, the FDA approved the Lap Band system in 2001, which gave it a huge boost in popularity. Michael Feiz, MD, FACS is an innovator in the bariatric surgery field and is regarded by his peers as an expert in the Lap Band and other weight loss procedures.

Dr. Feiz uses laparoscopic technology to make the Lap Band procedures he performs as minimally invasive as possible. He's worked with many insurance agencies and can help you navigate issues surrounding Lap Band surgery cost (which in some cases may be covered by health insurance). Most importantly, however, is Dr. Feiz' guidance during the period of time following the surgery. He'll be an advocate right by your side, guiding you through the physical changes your body will experience, helping you maintain a nutritionally sound diet, and ensuring that your mind and body are handling everything well.

That being said, the Lap Band isn't necessarily the most appropriate bariatric surgery for every patient. Before embarking on a surgery, patients will meet with Dr. Feiz for a complimentary consultation, where the many options for weight loss surgery will be discussed. The Lap Band has its perks (for example, it is removable and adjustable), though might not be ideal in some unique circumstances. Contact the Dr. Feiz team online to schedule this free meeting and learn more about the Lap Band and other bariatric procedures!

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