
Band to Sleeve Revision

If your surgeon was a highly reputable bariatric surgeon like those at Dr. Feiz & Associates, they consulted you about the likely results of your procedure. Sorting realistic expectations from unrealistic expectations is the duty of a trustworthy doctor. While Lap Band surgery is regarded by leading physicians as safe and effective, there is still no guarantee that it is right for a patient. Side effects from the Lap Band can necessitate Lap Band to sleeve revision, but the good news is that this can be a necessary and positive change, resulting in weight loss that had previously seemed out of reach.

Lap Band to sleeve revision is another surgery. However, if the Lap Band in Los Angeles is causing problems for the patient, it often needs to be removed anyway. Since removal alone can result in a major setback for your weight loss progress, getting Lap Band to sleeve revision surgery is a way to stay on the weight loss path, instead of returning to previous methods that did not work.

If, after the Lap Band operation, there is irritation or you experience digestive problems, some kind of Lap Band revision may be necessary. sleeve gastrectomy after Lap Band surgery is not always necessary. Changing the tightness or location of The Lap Band is often all that is necessary. If these are not likely to help in your case, it may be better to convert Lap Band to gastric sleeve. However, the only way to know for sure that this is the right course of action for you is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Feiz & Associates to begin discussing your options today.

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