
Now that you’ve started on the path to weight loss, and you’ve learned about the effects of surgery, and you’ve probably even adjusted your diet. If this still hasn’t resulted in weight loss, you might be feeling discouraged. There’s good news, though: Arguably the hardest part is over now that you’ve already opted for surgery, and band to sleeve revision could be all that’s required to get you on the right track.

Band to sleeve revision, or in other words getting the gastric sleeve after LAP Band surgery, is sometimes the weight loss measure patients need. Band to sleeve revision involves switching from a restrictive band around part of the stomach to a reduced and reshaped stomach. Gastric bypass after lap band is an altogether different approach that may fit with some patients’ priorities. Since all patients are so different, there are cases in which the opposite approach, namely lap band surgery after gastric bypass, was the best way to go.

About Dr. Feiz:

Dr. Michael Feiz, M.D., FACS is the premier bariatric surgeon in Southern California, and an early adopter of a large number of techniques and procedures. His methodology comes from intense study that included a year-long residency program at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, where other residents usually only stay for less than two months. His approach is patient-centered, and steeped in heartfelt compassion.

Dr. Feiz has never had a mortality as result of complications from one of his surgeries, and his next-generation micro-laparoscopic instruments are the least invasive available anywhere. Patients frequently report that their scarring is so slight as to be practically nonexistent.

For more information please contact Dr. Feiz’s clinic today or call him (toll free) at 800-868-5946, or at 310-817-6911.

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