
A huge part of living a healthier life is losing weight. There are so many disadvantages that come with being overweight. Not only can you be judged by complete strangers on the street, but there are significant health risks. An overweight person has a higher risk of heart disease, stroke, high cholesterol, and many more dangerous illnesses. If you’re in the Southern California area, Dr. Michael Feiz and his talented associates can kick start your journey to a healthier life with surgical options like gastric bypass, lap band, and sleeve gastrectomy after lap band surgery.

Dr. Feiz is one of the top bariatric surgeons in the country. His STARR (or Surgical Tiny Access and Rapid Recovery) Treatment procedures makes him the best option for weight loss surgery. Many of his procedures, including lap band and band to sleeve revision, are minimally invasive, which ensures that there is very little scarring from the single incision point. This method of surgery also helps a patient recover faster so they can return to their normal lives in relatively no time. It also drastically reduces the post-operation pain.

There’s no need to continue to lead an unhealthy life with the help of Dr. Feiz. His revolutionary weight loss surgery will start you on a path to eating better and shedding pounds. If you have any questions, such as lap band vs. gastric sleeve concerns, don’t hesitate to call our office to set up a free consultation. You deserve to be a healthier person starting today.

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