
As any overweight person likely knows, health risks like diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, and joint pain are not the only downsides of obesity. People who are severely obese are more likely to suffer from depression, leading to a decrease in social interaction. When you don’t feel comfortable in your own skin, you’re less likely to be satisfied with other parts of your life from your job to your personal relationships. Dr. Michael Feiz’s minimally invasive bariatric surgical options might be just what you need to become more comfortable with yourself.

With multiple offices in the Southern California area, Dr. Feiz and Associates have devoted their careers to providing the best care in the weight loss business. Surgical options like lap band, gastric sleeve, or sleeve gastrectomy after Lap Band have improved the health and happiness of patients from all walks of life. These surgeries reduce the size of a patient’s stomach to lower food cravings and portion sizes, which has proven to help people who have struggled with diets before. Whether your want Lap Band vs. gastric sleeve, our friendly, talented team is ready to change your life.

Options like gastric sleeve or band to sleeve revision can transform your entire life. In relatively no time you can see incredible weight loss results, overall improved health, and a rise in your mood. If you call the office today, we can set up a free consultation that will have you on the path to a happier life in no time at all.

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