
If you have decided to explore having a weight loss surgery, then your next important decision is deciding upon the best doctor to perform the procedure. Whether this is your first weight loss procedure or if you are considering lap band revision surgery to deal with a procedure that either caused complications or failed to produce the needed results, it's worth your time to take a serious look at Michael Feiz, M.D., F.A.C.S.

Dr. Feiz and his entire staff at Dr. Feiz and Associates are dedicated to providing the highest possible level of care on behalf of patients dealing with severe obesity. A leader in the field of minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery for weight loss, Dr. Feiz is renowned for his skills and for his outstanding rate of success on a wide of procedures. He has mastered all weight loss procedures, and has helped countless patients to better lives through such operations as the lap band and gastric sleeve.

Dr. Feiz has also achieved great success helping patients who have had to deal either with disappointing results or distress complications following an initial procedure performed by another physician. His unparalleled level of success with such procedures as lap band to sleeve conversions is well known.

Dr. Feiz is also recognized by his patients for his ability to sensitively communicate with patients and thoroughly explain how procedures work. Whether you are concerned about whether or not you are a candidate for bariatric surgery, or want to explore the differences between lap band vs. sleeve operations, few skilled surgeons are as easy to talk to as Dr. Feiz.

If you are serious about weight loss surgery, then it might be time to take advantage of one of the regularly held free seminars at the offices of Dr. Feiz and Associates.

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