
If you qualify for weight loss surgery (generally, your BMI must be around 40 with a comorbidity), it can be a tough decision to determine which of the many options will help you best reclaim your health. Renowned bariatric surgeon in Beverly Hills, Michael Feiz, MD, FACS thoughtfully considers a patient's unique circumstances before recommending one of the many procedures that he excels at performing, including gastric bypass, the Lap Band, and gastric sleeve surgery. Meeting with Dr. Feiz during one of his absolutely free consultations can help you determine which of the procedures is best for your health, lifestyle, and potential weight loss success.

For example, Dr. Feiz has recommended the sleeve gastrectomy procedure to many of his patients due to its effect on the body's production of the ghrelin hormone. During the procedure, about 75% of the stomach is removed, leaving a sleeve-shaped organ. This means that the patient who received the sleeve gastrectomy operation feels full, faster and can't hold as much in their stomach, leading to easier weight management. The procedure, furthermore, removes the part of the stomach (the fundus) that produces ghrelin.

Now, what is an easy ghrelin definition and how does it affect a bariatric patient's potential for long-lasting success? Ghrelin, most simply, is the chemical that causes hunger. If a patient produces less ghrelin, then their hunger will be manageable and it will be easier with nutrition and proper portion control in mind. Again, not every procedure is a one size fits all solution to weight loss and, even with its ghrelin-reducing effects, the gastric sleeve might not be right for you. To find out if it is, contact Dr. Feiz to schedule a free consultation.

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