
When comparing the number of patients receiving Lap Band vs. sleeve gastrectomy procedures, the medical team at Dr. Feiz and Associates has noticed that the sleeve surgery has been increasingly popular. Many medical professionals believe that sleeve gastrectomy delivers reliable, rapid short-term weight loss results similar to the older gastric bypass procedure, but that sleeve gastrectomy is less drastic and has fewer complications.

Lap Band procedures can also offer truly outstanding results and offers the benefit of being adjustable and reversible. Results, however, may be somewhat less certain. Fortunately, Dr. Michael Feiz is a master of band to sleeve operations whether they are needed to address disappointing results or other issues.

Although sometimes a Lap Band revision surgery by Dr. Feiz might simply correct issues that have been left unaddressed by other bariatric surgeons, more often it removes the band and substitutes a gastric sleeve. This offers the patient the reliability of the gastric sleeve while also still providing a means of providing weight loss help that is far less invasive than such older procedures as the gastric bypass.

The sleeve has achieved a reputation for effectiveness largely because it fights obesity in two distinct ways. First, shrinking the stomach makes it far more difficult for patients to overeat. Secondly, it removes a section of the stomach associated with ghrelin, a powerful hunger-inducing hormone.

If you are interested in either or new or revision procedure, your first step should be to contact the offices of Dr. Feiz and Associates regarding a free seminar. He and his professional and compassionate staff look forward to hearing from you.

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