
Lap Band Surgery is often remarkably effective for those who have struggled with obesity and excess weight. However, when performed by a less experienced surgeon without, precise and meticulous surgical hand, the results can at times be unsatisfactory. Fortunately, in these cases, Lap Band revision surgery from Dr. Michael Feiz can go a long way toward restoring hope to one’s life.

Research has found that obesity and excess weight can lead to a number of serious health issues, including diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, and much more. That’s why, if a Lap Band or other bariatric surgery proves unsuccessful, the situation can be very serious. If you are experiencing unwanted side effects or a failure to lose weight after treatment, set an appointment with Dr. Feiz, and you’ll quickly understand why he’s the ideal option to perform Lap Band to sleeve gastrectomy or similar surgery.

A Lap Band revision surgery first involves undoing the work of a lesser surgeon – removing the Lap Band carefully and with the utmost caution. Dr. Feiz will then perform a sleeve gastrectomy, which involves removing approximately 85% of the stomach. Unlike Lap Band, sleeve gastrectomy is non-reversible, a fact you will learn upon asking the team at Dr. Feiz and Associates about Lap Band vs. sleeve gastrectomy. That’s why it is important that Dr. Feiz is such an accomplished surgeon. He has received praise for countless patients, as well as accolades from his peers in the medical field. At Dr. Feiz and Associates, the surgeon is committed to sharing his skills with every patient in a warm and comforting environment.

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