
If you have struggled with obesity for years, then you may begin to feel like your body is the enemy. Michael Feiz, M.D., F.A.C.S. and his skilled bariatric surgery team at Dr. Feiz and Associates want to help you see that your body is who you are, and a bariatric surgery procedure could help you become the healthy, happy person you have always wanted to be. We are here to answer any questions about bariatric surgery, including the benefits of Lap Band vs. sleeve gastrectomy procedures, and help you decide the right course of action to keep the pounds off.

Dr. Feiz also specializes in Lap Band revision surgery, which is a procedure that removes the Lap Band device from around the stomach, and permanently takes out part of the stomach through sleeve gastrectomy. Although many patients see incredible weight loss results through the Lap Band procedure, a few still struggle with hunger pangs and cravings for unhealthy foods. These pangs come from the hormone ghrelin, which is produced by your stomach to signal your brain that you haven’t eaten enough. The gastric sleeve procedure permanently removes this part of the stomach, so you not only feel physically full after a smaller, healthier meal, you also feel more satisfied.

Our skilled and compassionate team at Dr. Feiz and Associates want you to feel great by becoming healthier, so we are here to answer your questions about Lap Band, gastric sleeve, or band to sleeve revision. Dr. Feiz wants to help you discover how great you can feel by finally winning your battle against obesity, so contact us today for a consultation.

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